Friday, July 17, 2015

It's All But Gone

Several weeks ago, I had the privilege to be a part of a wedding for two former students.  Whenever you get to do this, it helps solidify all of the time that you spent investing in their life while they were in your ministry.

However, something happened during all of this that really opened my eyes to a hard reality for the church.  The respect for the position of Pastor (lead, associate, worship, youth, etc) is all but gone.  Let me explain.

Before I begin, I would like to give a disclaimer.  Regardless of what people around us do or what they push us to do, we make our own decisions.  In the end, we can't blame anything that we do on anyone but ourselves.  One of my biggest frustrations in life is to see people who make bad decisions and suffer the consequences but then try to shift the blame to anyone but themselves.  Yes, we often deal with situations in life that can create difficulty in us to make the right choice.  However, in the end, if we are following the Father, we have the strength to not only do what is right, but live with confidence the life Jesus has called us too.

Now, let me set the stage.  These two young people have been very strong in their faith since they came to Christ.  They have attempted to follow Jesus wherever that might take them. Over the last year, following Him has taken the groom to a new church where he currently serves as the Student Pastor.  His bride works alongside of him there in the ministry, particularly with the young ladies.

On Thursday night, the evening before the rehearsal, his best man and other friends took him out for his bachelor party.  We all know how stories like these go.  However, knowing the grooms position of leadership in his church, the assumption is that this evening is going to be lots of fun while maintaining a spirit of truth and steadfastness to the life He is living in Christ.  If that doesn't make sense to you, that means an evening of clean fun.

However, the night quickly began to get foggy for the groom.  Along with dinner, all of the guys had a beer.  (This is not a post about debating the use of alcohol!) This is nothing abnormal for a group of guys while they eat and shoot a game of pool.  However, the constant push of others for the groom to continuously consume more alcohol is where things began to take a turn.

Now they are doing this with a guy who isn't use to drinking.  So it didn't take much to get him to a point where he was quickly loosing his ability to make good decisions.  Not only that, but each of these guys know what he does for a career and a calling.  Yet they keep pushing.  Also, each of these guys are Christians so they have been called to live the same life as the one they are pushing.  Before long, the soon-to-be groom has consumed enough to not be able to remember the rest of the evening.  Thankfully, someone in the group brought them all home without any other incidents happening.

Again, let me go back to earlier.  The groom could have made a decision earlier to end this part of the night before it ever had a chance to get to this point. So don't misunderstand the point I'm trying to make.

So I share this to get to this point: we have Christians, pushing a pastor to get "wasted" on the eve of his wedding rehearsal.  A guy that they should know this would also make desperately sick.  What are you doing?  In fact, when we arrived at the rehearsal, he was laying across a set of stairs, in agonizing pain and had been sick all day.  He hurt so bad he couldn't even stand up straight.

Time for rehearsal to start and no groom. He is still inside sick.  Finally he makes his way outside but is unable to participate in the rehearsal.  Due to how sick he is, he began wondering if he had alcohol poisoning.  Therefore, my wife put him in a car and drove him to the nearest urgent care center. While there, the wedding party, including the very guys who had helped get him to this point, and his bride had rehearsal with no groom.  At urgent care, he was checked out, given some nausea meds and sent back.  He was feeling better but still extremely exhausted from the days events.

If I said I wasn't disappointed I would be lying.  However, I was as much disappointed in the guys that helped get him to this point as I was the groom for allowing this to happen.

There are a couple of things that need to be said:

1. Christians, you can't pick and choose what you want out of God's Word.
Ephesians 5:18 is very clear, "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit."  Jesus Himself said in Luke 21:34, "Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap."  Jesus was clear: these things are traps and are not part of the believers life!

2. The respect for the position of Pastor is all but gone.
Obviously if any of these guys truly cared about this guy and what God has called him too, someone would have stepped up and said something.  That didn't happen. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 says, "But we request of you, brothers, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work."

Come on fellas!  How much clearer does it get than that?  You are to be protectors of these men!  They need you!  Yes he is a grown man and is fully capable of making his own decisions.  But you guys are some of the closest friends He has.  You should have protected him!  You should have given him a great night he would never forget.  Instead he gets a night of embarrassment, most of which he can't and will never remember.  On top of that, he couldn't function at his wedding rehearsal.  I don't remember the disciples ever trying to get Jesus drunk!

As a fellow Pastor, who has spent over 10 years in ministry, I have seen what happens to men who don't have this protection from others, as well as people who blatantly do things, or try to get a pastor to do things contrary to the life they are living.  I have seen and experienced the hurt and pain that brings.

I have also seen this inside of the church building itself.  Church members who care more about their agenda than they do about Kingdom work.  They will do whatever is necessary to get what they want.  Instead of being about Jesus' ministry and work, they are about their own desires.  Color of the carpet, what types of lights are on the wall, flowers that have to be up front, changing dates on events so certain people can be there and others won't be able to.  These are real things I have experienced!  They happen whether you choose to believe it or not!  In the end, the Pastor suffers more than anyone because he is the one everyone looks too and often, he is thrown under the bus by people claiming to love and follow Jesus.

Unfortunately, many times this happens just before a Pastor has to go up to preach.  It can't ever seem to wait till any other time.  According to them, it has to happen in his office just before he has to preach.  If I was a lead pastor in a church, I wouldn't want to talk to anyone other than God just before I had to step into the pulpit to preach. Unless you have been a Pastor, you have no idea what this does to a man before He has to deliver the message that God has called him to bring to the people.

Never forget that under that title of Pastor they are still men.  They are still human and are going to need your guidance, at times as much as you need theirs.

So church, it's time to "Man Up!"  It's time to be the church!  PROTECT YOUR PASTORS!!! I don't care if they are lead, associate, worship, youth, whatever!  Regardless of their title, they are your pastors!  Let's be the type of people Paul was writing about when he wrote to the church at Thessalonica!  Let's appreciate our pastors!  Let's esteem them highly!  Let's love them!  Let's offer ourselves to them as we stand beside them in the ministry God has called us all to!

Friday, July 10, 2015

No Better Time Than Now

Over the last several weeks, we have watched history unfold here in the United States.  From those things, we have seen unprecedented responses from people on every side of the argument.  The question is, how we do we as followers of Christ resolve ourself to what's taking place around us and what do we do about it?

All through Scripture we see examples of men and women who did everything in their power to follow after God.  While there are many we could choose from, the ultimate example is Jesus himself.

After Jesus had silenced the Sadducees with His teaching, this is what happened next:
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' And He said to them, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and foremost commandment.  The second is like it, "You shall love your neighbor as Yourself."
Matthew 22:36-39

We are to love God first!  We are to love Him with everything in us.  That means we love God with everything we have while accepting who He is fully by His Word!  We learn who God is by enjoying a close personal relationship with Him through prayer, study, and activity in His mission.  We don't decide what parts of Him we want and then throw out the rest that we don't like or make us uncomfortable.  A true acceptance of following Christ is one in which we accept ALL of His teachings from beginning to end, even when they cause us to stand on our own.

Being a Christ follower never meant our life would be easy or without opposition.  It means we stand with The One who could have sent an entire army to save the first martyr we know of: Stephen.  While God allowed him to die for his faith, it's the only time in all of Scripture we actually see Jesus STANDING at the right hand of the Father.  Every other instance we see throughout scripture repeatedly states that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father.  I believe this to be very significant.  When we love God completely, as Stephen did, and are willing to take a stand for Him, He stands with us!

For me, there is nothing greater I know of than to know that God stands with me when I make a stand for him!

In fact, I believe this goes all the way back to Isaiah 54:17 when we see the prophet speak: "No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgement you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me, declares the Lord."

Wow, what a heritage!  Who wouldn't want to live in that?  I choose to accept that and believe that God has my best interest at heart no matter what everyone around me says.

We are to love others second.  I believe this is where our culture is trying so desperately to mess us up!  Today we are told that we can't love others and stand firm on the things we believe.  WRONG!

Jesus proved that people could be loved regardless of their opinions, problems, and shortcomings.  He spent his time with those who the world considered the worst of the worst. Yet he never once allowed someone else's opinion to sway Him from the truth of who God is.  If He had wanted to do that, He could have saved Himself so much agony and pain by telling the religious leaders, Pilate and the crowds what they wanted to hear rather than the truth.

Think about the woman at the well.  Jews and Samaritans were to have nothing to do with one another, yet Jesus offered her the most precious thing He had to offer, while recognizing how many husbands she had from failed marriages.  He saw more in her than she saw in herself.  Yet he didn't move from who He is or the truth that is in Him!

In the end, we must decide how we will respond.  No matter what your friends, your parents or the people in your church choose, you will have to make a personal decision for yourself!

What will you do?  How will you respond?

There is no better time than now to decide what you will do.

For me:
"For me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15